
Bloating Causes Cures

Bloating Causes Cures

A sluggish digestive system can be the cause of bloating. If your body takes a long time to process the food you are eating and you don't have a daily bowel movement, this could be the cause of bloating. The cure is to add more fiber to your diet to rev up your digestive system and get the food moving through your system quicker. Slowly increase your fiber intake, a sudden, large increase in fiber will increase your bloating.
Your diet may be the cause of bloating. A diet rich in gas producing foods like beans, cabbage, broccoli and other high fiber foods and fried, fatty foods will cause you to bloat. The cure for diet induced bloating is to discover exactly what foods cause you to be gassy. If after you've eaten fried foods, you become bloated, cut back on fried foods. If it is the broccoli, cut back on that veggie. Gas dissolving products like Beano and GasX can help when taken before indulging in your favorite gas producing foods.
When you chew gum, drink your beverage through a straw or talk while eating, you swallow air. That swallowed air is trapped in your stomach for a while and will make you feel bloated. The cure is to cut back on chewing gum, toss the straw and talk less while eating.
You monthly menstrual cycle will cause you to bloat with hormone fluctuations and water retention. The cure for this type of monthly bloating is a few days before your menstrual cycle starts, cut back of salt and salty foods.

