
the best. All they need is a little bit of care

The Replica Chanel Bag Never Can Replace the Element of Unique one

If the markets are flooded by Chanel replica, it is because of the quality of Chanel products. Don't let marketing gimmicks cheat you into thinking that owing fake Chanel bags is almost like owning the authentic ones. If the fakes are as good as the original, why use the word almost?QualityIf you own a Chanel handbag, you'll know that, it is made with the best material and the workmanship is, beyond any shadow of doubt, the best. All they need is a little bit of care, to become heirlooms you can pass down to generations of ladies in your family. When you buy an authentic Chanel product, you invest not only in durable and functional fashion, but also in elegance that transcends time. Can you say the same when you buy a replica Chanel product? Don't settle for cheap imitations that cash in on the reputation and popularity of someone else's sweat.
Work EthicsIf you investigate the corporate world, you'll find that the companies that have survived the depression have not only kept up with technology - but also have a code of ethics they never lose sight of. Chanel handbags have been the rage for over a hundred years. Chanel does not use any short cuts with profits in mind. All raw materials used for making Chanel products are of the excellent quality. Even the smallest Chanel clutch is worth every cent you pay for it. Replica Chanel products are cheap because the workers are underpaid. If you need any indicators, look at the replica Chanel products flooding the markets. Why would the markets be flooded by replicas unless the authentic ones are popular? Every woman dreams of owning at least one Chanel handbag. Some of you may own several replica bags. But you'll find that there is nothing to beat the original. No matter what your taste, you'll find a Chanel bag you'll fall in love with - there is a huge collection to choose from, clutches, totes, hobo. They are all exquisitely crafted with style, comfort, function and quality in mind. :


9 format

a green pocket projector

Acer launches C110: a green pocket projector
The new Pico Projector Acer C110 is designed to fit the mobile lifestyle. Thanks to DLP technology and Acer can Colorsafe color integrity even after prolonged use, guaranteed.
It is small, it's beautiful, it starts in your pocket, it is the Pico-projectors. Acer offers a new Pico Projector, C110, ultra-light and ultra-portable. Simply connect a USB cable to project the image, there is no need for the power supply cable that provides power for the projector. "The ideal companion and complement to your laptop," said Acer. It weighs only 175 grams at a size of 110x85x25. Aspire 5550 battery simply indicate a connection of the projector with the laptop on the desired content immediately. Additionally, the Acer Color Boost Technology a wide range of formats and PC users no longer have to adapt to take care of the resolution of the laptop. "
THE C110 can be used as a family, but especially at work. It offers a screen size between 30 cm (12 inches) and 254 cm (100 inches) to guarantee, with a contrast ratio of 1000:1, WVGA resolution (854 × 480) and a native 16:9 format, "one of projections sharp and bright with a truly stunning image quality. Eee PC 900 battery and also markets a collapsible canvas available as an option. It is portable too. Data, its size does not exceed that of a workbook, Acer. And if used, it provides a projection of 25 inches.
But what makes the strength of this pico-projector is its image quality. Acer integrated DLP technology from Texas Instruments and was connected with the LED-lamp technology, greatly improving the quality of the image. "The LED technology offers several advantages over conventional incandescent bulbs," said Acer. Eee PC 700 battery increases the lack of fragile parts, such as threads or tubes, the duration of life. Finally, it can improve contrast and color saturation higher. Therefore, the displayed images vivid and realistic.
About USB display function allows easy handling, since it is sufficient to connect the projector to the laptop to the desired content is displayed instantly. Additionally, the Acer Color Boost Technology a wide range of PC formats, making the problem of adjusting the resolution of the Dell Precision M70 battery. Therefore, it is possible to take advantage of the multimedia content with a screen size between 30 cm (12 inches) and 254 cm (100 inches). The 1000:1 contrast ratio, WVGA resolution (854x480) and a native 16:9 aspect ratio ensures crisp and light projections, with an amazing picture quality. For the best possible projection mobility can the C110 be accompanied by the projection screen Acer folding option.
Its main feature is that it is not as bulky as it is stored, its size can not exceed that of a workbook. LED technology offers several advantages over conventional incandescent bulbs. First, the replacement of the bulb is practically useless, because the lifetime of LED is 20,000 hours more,Dell precision m40 battery increases the lack of fragile parts, such as threads or tubes, the life. Finally, it may be higher contrast and color saturation. HotNews0829:

This is how I survived when I had to bury my child

This is how I survived when I had to bury my child

There is no one way to survive a child's death. Everyone us was given a unique personality, and trying to live up to an image of what you think others think you should be feeling will not work. There are so many stages to grief. The shock of the news that your child has died, is God's way of insolating us for the months or years to come.
I personally lingered in the valley of the shadow of death much longer than my husband did. He had to get up 3 days after her funeral and go back to his work to support us. He wasn't given time to grieve like I was, because He felt he had to be strong for me. How I survived was like the AA's moto, live one day at a time, sometimes it was all I could do to live one moment. Survival is a personal soul and gut wrenching process.
Do not expect too much of yourself for the first year or two. People around you will be uncomfortable and not know how to react or act. Should they bring up her name? Should they ask how you are? Should they act as if nothing happened? It is so devastating that there were many times I don't know how I am still living. The pain stayed with me for months. Her 8 months of life here on earth, profoundly affected me more in my lifetime than any other event to happen since.
I spent hours at her gravesite talking to a tombstone. I felt solace there. I understand now, that my survival mode is different than yours may be. All I know, is that 30 years later, I am still here, with the same husband who shares the same tie to the same little girl, who we both wonder about and on occasion have our moments of grief.
Keep some things for yourself for the years to come. Her baby book, bring it out on her birthday to acknowledge her existence. HotNews0829:


While driving

Benefits of Wearing Sunglasses Louis Vuitton mens wallet

Sunglasses are significant in providing protection to our eyes from harmful rays of the sun and adverse weather conditions. Earlier sunglasses were used as a fashion icon but now, sunglasses are well recommended by health specialists as well. Eyes are delicate part of our body so protecting them is our responsibility. In fact, direct contact with glaring sunlight can also cause problem to our eyes. So lenses of sunglass acts as a barrier for direct exposure to environment. There are number of benefits of wearing sunglasses.
Sunglasses provide visual clarity as they protect our eyes from direct contact to sunlight. There are disposable sunglasses as well which are recommended by doctors after eye examination. Polarized lens sunglasses mitigate the glare reflected by shining surface. Such type of sunglasses is very popular as they aid one to see deep into the water.
Sunglasses provide full protection against excessive light. There are visible and invisible both type of components. Sunglasses provide protection against both types of components. The most important benefit of wearing sunglasses is against ultraviolet rays of the sun. UV rays cause excessive harm to our eyes. This problem can be short term and long term as well. Even excessive exposure to UV rays can cause blindness or even lead to eye cancer. Some of the eyes problems like snow blindness, cataracts etc are very common. Medical experts always recommend sunglasses as best way to protect our eyes from harmful UV rays. The lens of the sunglasses reflects 90-100% harmful rays of the sun.
There are several standards formulated for sunglasses. These standards are made to ensure good quality lenses. These standards are based on the exposure to UV rays. This is the responsibility of manufacturers to meet the requirements of those standards. The sunglasses should be fit enough to provide no entry to rays.
Not only from UV rays, but our eyes need protection from dust particles as well. Dust particles cause redness in eye. In fact to some extent, they cause inflammation in eyes. Sunglasses provide protection against it also.
While driving, sunglasses act as a barrier from high velocity wind. Eye watering is very common in storms and cyclones. This is avoided to a big extent by sunglasses. In sports as well, player use sun glasses to provide their eyes full protection from dust particles and adverse weather condition. HotNews PJMY12XIAOXU0827 :

you will have to ask about the future services that you can expect from the firm. For example

Questions to Ask an Organic Search Engine Optimization Company

When you are hiring a Google search engine optimization expert or firm, you must do so only after satisfying yourself with certain answers. You can differentiate a good company from an average one and a professional firm from an unprofessional one by asking certain simple questions prior to hiring. It is not a bad idea to start with the customer service offered by an organic search engine optimization company. Professional companies provide you a dedicated hotline number, along with 24 X 7 services for a significant period to support the website and address any concerns around it. Moreover a professional firm will be open to live chat, video conferencing and email support which could be critical for the first months after on-page optimization. Some professional firms offer domain and server support too. Another important question to ask a Google search engine optimization firm is whether all the techniques employed by them are actually cross browser compatible. Without browser compatibility, the techniques are of no use considering that you may lose a significant number of prospective customers. In some cases, the optimization has to be tailored for smart phone browsers who make up for a significant chunk of the online customers and whose number is on a constant rise. Similarly, local search listings are just as important as national and international search listings. The results of the organic search engine optimization should reflect in local customers flowing in along with online customers. This is because many customers look for services online but eventually purchase a product or request for service from local companies with whom they can actually liaise.
When hiring a Google search engine optimization company, you will have to ask about the future services that you can expect from the firm. For example, you may take the basic package and achieve the goals you have targeted. It will help if the SEO firm then provides ongoing optimization in other areas too, carrying on from where the basic package had left out. In other words, an SEO firm should offer extensive organic search engine optimization to past clients, servicing their requirements as the business grows. Hiring multiple SEO firms is always less efficient considering that the latest SEO firm you hire has to take a thorough look at what has already been done. An important thing to understand with organic search engine optimization is that the results are long lasting once the on page optimization is complete. However, the optimization needs fine tuning with the help of tools provided by Webmaster and Analytics. You have to cross check if these tools along with other steps for conversion rate optimization like reducing bounce rates, analyzing customer trends, checking transaction security and using website optimizer will be offered by the Google search engine optimization company. More the efficiency of the tools used by the SEO firm, better will be the results. You can differentiate a good company from an average one and a professional firm from an unprofessional one by asking certain simple questions prior to hiring. It is not a bad idea to start with the customer service offered by an organic search engine optimization company. Professional companies provide you a dedicated hotline number, along with 24 X 7 services for a significant period to support the website and address any concerns around it. Moreover a professional firm will be open to live chat, video conferencing and email support which could be critical for the first months after on-page optimization. Some professional firms offer domain and server support too.
Another important question to ask a Google search engine optimization firm is whether all the techniques employed by them are actually cross browser compatible. Without browser compatibility, the techniques are of no use considering that you may lose a significant number of prospective customers. In some cases, the optimization has to be tailored for smart phone browsers who make up for a significant chunk of the online customers and whose number is on a constant rise. Similarly, local search listings are just as important as national and international search listings. The results of the organic search engine optimization should reflect in local customers flowing in along with online customers. This is because many customers look for services online but eventually purchase a product or request for service from local companies with whom they can actually liaise.
When hiring a Google search engine optimization company, you will have to ask about the future services that you can expect from the firm. For example, you may take the basic package and achieve the goals you have targeted. It will help if the SEO firm then provides ongoing optimization in other areas too, carrying on from where the basic package had left out. In other words, an SEO firm should offer extensive organic search engine optimization to past clients, servicing their requirements as the business grows. Hiring multiple SEO firms is always less efficient considering that the latest SEO firm you hire has to take a thorough look at what has already been done.
An important thing to understand with organic search engine optimization is that the results are long lasting once the on page optimization is complete. However, the optimization needs fine tuning with the help of tools provided by Webmaster and Analytics. You have to cross check if these tools along with other steps for conversion rate optimization like reducing bounce rates, analyzing customer trends, checking transaction security and using website optimizer will be offered by the Google search engine optimization company. More the efficiency of the tools used by the SEO firm, better will be the results. HotNews PJMY12XIAOXU0827 :


Find out fast If your baby is no longer in contact with the current

Electric shock

Electric shock Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board Highlights What happens if my baby gets an electric shock? What should I do if my baby is shocked? What are the most common causes of electric shocks? What can I do to prevent electric shocks? What happens if my baby gets an electric shock?If your baby touches an electric current with his finger, foot, or mouth, for example the current runs through part of his body. A big enough shock can make your baby unconscious, stop his breathing, or cause seizures, cardiac arrest, damage to his brain, heart, or other organs, or even death. If you need to break your child's connection with the current, use an object that's not metallic and won't conduct electricity, like a wooden broom or a rolled-up magazine. SYMPTOM GUIDE Is it serious? Find out fast If your baby is no longer in contact with the current, check his breathing. If he's not breathing, have someone call 911 while you give CPR. Call for emergency help if he seems pale. An electric shock can cause a serious burn. Even if a burn doesn't look too bad on the outside, it could be deep and painful. Unless you're sure the burn is very minor, take your baby to the emergency room right away. (If it's very minor, you can take your baby to his doctor instead.)The doctor can clean and dress your baby's burn and also check for internal damage Replica Louis Vuitton wallet, which can be hard for you to detect. And if your baby has severe burns or internal damage, he'll be hospitalized. 1 2 Previous Next Show All
This Internet site provides information of a general nature and is designed for educational purposes only. If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Please review the Terms of Use before using this site. Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. HotNews XIAOXU0825 :


turquoise and magenta

Top Sunglasses for a Thin Face

Owning a long narrow face can sometimes make it difficult when choosing the appropriate pair of shades. Many actors and stars currently have this dilemma, and they often will choose wrong glasses. For example, if you have a narrow face, you want to avoid square and large bulky frames because these styles will over power your facial characteristics. Luckily, there are many fantastic brands that sell glasses that are expressly made for narrow faces. Below are just a few examples of several of the brands you might want to check out.
One variation is offered by Nine West Replica travel accessories, which is an affordable brand that provides several great options for people with thin faces. In particular, the company sculpted horizontal rectangle sunglasses are excellent for narrow faces. The frames are plastic and the polycarbonate lenses are highly protective. The cost on this style is approximately forty dollars.
Another one is the Steve Madden brand, which has recently come out with a line of sunglasses that are perfect for narrow faced people. They feature oval cutout temples, and the frames are plastic with metallic hardware to keep every thing in place. The lenses have top notch UV protection, so your eyes are guaranteed to be protected. You will find these in black, turquoise and magenta, and the price is very affordable starting close to $40.
For higher end sunglasses, Carrera Sunglasses make excellent aviator style sunglasses. These are very funky and if you want to look different, might be idea for you. The lenses are 100% UV protected and you will find the brand logo in the corner. There are a wide variety of colors to choose from. Black and Palladium, Fuchsia and white, Havana and gold, and white and gold are just a few of the varieties you will find. The typical price for these sunglasses starts at about $130. Smith Toaster Sunglasses are small, and as such they have a small degree of facial coverage which is perfect for narrow faces. They come with carbonic LT lenses with excellent UV protection from the harmful rays of the sun. They also have hydrophilic nose and temple pads to ensure maximum comfort, and you won have to deal with those nasty indents that some sunglasses will leave if worn for a long time. There are over a dozen diverse types of styles to select from, and the prices for these sunglasses are approximately $140. Yes it is somewhat pricey, but they are high quality and look fabulous on narrow faces.
In summary, there are many different brand names that specialize in making shades for people with narrow faces. The internet is a great tool to use to find shades that you like, and at less expensive prices then if you were to go to a store. But going to the store to buy sunglasses is probably the best idea because you can try on multiple pairs to see which one is right for you. HotNews XIAOXU0825 :


Tantric Techniques for How to Please a Woman

Tantric Techniques for How to Please a Woman

It's not what you think! It's not about where to kiss or lick or rub or how hard or how fast. Its not about harder, longer erections (although those are also very nice!) A woman's body and her responses are so changeable. What pleased her last week does nothing for her tonight.
Many men learn about women's sexuality from pornography. I have nothing against pornography and I quite enjoy some pornography myself. But, the depiction of women's sexuality in pornography is simply not accurate. Many women compound this lack of information by expecting her man to know how to please her without telling him. You can encourage her to communicate with you. You can also learn to expand your consciousness so that you can sense what she desires without her telling you in words.
She needs is your full attention. She needs to trust that you are there with her with your complete presence. If your mind wanders to your car or your career or the bills due at the end of the month, she can feel it and she loses trust.
Improving your ability to please a woman is very like learning to play a musical instrument. It takes practice, patience and experience to make beautiful music. You master the basics before moving on to advanced techniques. Here are some good basic practices for you to start with. Learning to please a partner with Tantric teachings starts with practices you do by yourself. While pleasuring yourself, expand your attention to your entire body: your toes and fingers and top of your head and everything in between. When you can do this at the height of arousal, expand your consciousness to your entire body and to your surroundings, noise from the street, light in the room, air temperature, the bed against your back, the trees seen through the window. Next, do these consciousness practices with your partner. And, finally, expand your consciousness to your entire body, your surroundings and your partner's body as she experiences being in it at each moment. If your mouth is on her breast, imagine how it feels to have a breast and feel someone's mouth on it. When you master this expansion of consciousness, you will simply know without effort what she wants from you in any moment.
Send energy into her body with your mind.
Tantra teaches us that a man yearns to empty himself out and a woman yearns to be filled up. There are many ways to do this in addition to the physical sex act. You can penetrate a woman with your consciousness, your energy and your attention before or while you penetrate her with parts of your body. The practice in the above paragraph is one way to do this. As you expand your consciousness to include her body as she experiences being in it, you penetrate with your energy. She will feel the difference! She may not be aware of why, but she will feel more trust and connection. She will feel more alive. Another wonderful practice is to use your mind to send energy into her body through your fingers. Imagine that there is a fire in your hand (which there is!) and think about sending the warmth and light from that fire into her body.
And finally, be aware that a woman experiences her sexuality and emotions very differently from a man. I believe very strongly in letting men be men and letting women be women and celebrating the differences and the gifts that we bring to each other. But I also believe it is helpful to understand these differences. For a man, sex and love are very separate experiences. A man can learn to connect his heart and sexual energy if he wishes and there are benefits to this. For a woman, love and sex are much more naturally linked.


Advantageous Information Regarding Handbags

Advantageous Information Regarding Handbags

Likelihood is that, when you find yourself investing in a handbag, it is likely you you shouldn't offer the equivalent assessment you will for a list of bluejeans or perhaps top. If you choose, more than likely, the standards you concentrate on shall be it has the style and design, shade, and exactly how it would interest you. On the other hand, you might not make the more time to analyze the nation's specifics and even tot think of the actual way it could possibly compliment a bricks-and-mortar attributes--you simply just buy it prior to anybody may and additionally cash.
While it's true which often handbags attended a considerable ways around impinging on every single ladies personal life, there's much more to consider for the real heart and soul with their start using. The reality that handbags appear in 1000s of variations and styles is the reason why it's difficult for several wives to distinguish your handbag's legitimate adding accessories to affect themselves.
The real truth about handbags is the fact that can be challenging literally sleeker a significant of your respective body system, if you recognize the right machines to pick out. Dui lawyer las vegas a good choice, less complicated impressed to figure out it can surely display the very best of a mans means. Alternatively, if you can't the right gifts accurate handbag to fit your possess body, it's going to finish up watching out involving the proportion, causing you to turn up even more clumsy as opposed to contemporary.
For everybody who is certainly not the type which may quite simply recognise the issue for the types of handbag, take care of specific focus on your own determine. Remember choose an important handbag which may go with yourself. It's not problem when you weigh up a lot of excess weight around various the ladies or maybe no matter whether you appear slim in comparison to the typical females. The precise style of handbag are able to de-emphasize the particular weak spots of the overall body. Find out just what handbag to pick out and the ways to make it, you must easily be happy to locate it's conceivable to help with making your self saucier by it all seem which you have damaged or lost small amount of excess weight.
From time to time, finding a handbag appearance that is definitely antipode with your physique are going to do bring about.

Dangerous Flattery

Dangerous Flattery

Just about all of us love to be flattered. stars along with the images produced by Hollywood are causing disturbing and devastating effects upon our children.
Our society is sin sick as a whole. Guess what groups are leading the pack and its all about the needs of their twisted egos. Religious groups!
In one religion, the people are taught and told about being and achieving one - pointedness by doing the right thing. It says and I quote. "Do you know the fundamental cause for your mind being either distracted or peaceful when you are practicing one-pointedness of mind? It is whether in action you are always doing the right thing, or not. The person who is doing the right thing may seem at first to face many complicated and difficult obstacles, but as he continues with his task, his body and mind will gradually become supple and peaceful, and as his road ahead opens widely, he will achieve one-pointedness.
The person who is doing something wrong may seem at first to have an intriguing and easy time of it, but as he continues with his task, his body and mind will gradually become troubled and pained, and as his road ahead becomes blocked, one-pointedness becomes impossible. Therefore, if we are to practice in perfect one-pointedness, we must first eliminate wrong aspirations and bring an end to wrong actions." That is reformation and done so one can be looked up to and flattered. That, however, is contradictory to the law of the mind, the law of sin, and the law of God, that are given to us in the Bible. There we are told that there is a difference between reformation, and regeneration that transforms by the renewing of the mind.
Man was created, soul, body, and spirit. The great problem is and has been since is sin. When Adam, the first man, disobeyed the commandment of God and ate of the forbidden fruit that he was never supposed to eat of, Adam died spiritually and left the body and soul under the physical death sentence, while the total being,(body, soul, and spirit), faced the second death, which is eternal banishment from the Presence of God. From that death there is no remedy or deliverance once it takes place. All the flattery that people hurl upon you in this life will not impress anyone at Judgment Day. God does not look upon our outward appearances but upon our hearts. If the motives of the heart is not righteous then it is sin.
Don't get it wrong, many of us want to look our best and there's nothing wrong with that. Looking good on the outside but having an unclean heart on the inside may impress and fool some people but not all. Your actions will still speak louder than your words and make no mistake about it, your sin will find you out.


Viral Marketing Ideas for Revitalize your Ecommerce business

Viral Marketing Ideas for Revitalize your Ecommerce business

Do you desire to have a nice lot of targeted prospects visit your website? What about having visitors flow within your webblog day in and outing perfect system? Viral marketing plays the main way of internet marketing today and will help you find huge exposure with virtually no cost. Never assume all customers are likely to be able to utilize the potency of viral marketing because there are a number of various things that you should remember. Viral marketing does not work because of this it works by simple "word of mouth" advertising: people promoting your home business along with other people given that they like your story or find you interesting. Now, at the time you make an attempt to force them to as if you and spread the expression, they can be more likely to ignore you. Your goal shouldn't be to try this but to make your viral promotion stick out from the brightest possible light. Do everything you can to make your posts best that men and women won't be able to forestall themselves from promoting it. If getting individuals to talk you up extremely there could possibly be a problem utilizing your viral advertising campaign. The easiest method to test this out is to ask "would I tell my pals regarding this?" once you answer back "yes", you're on your way. It is able to yourrrre able to to make the campaign pay off by itself besides trying to spread it forcefully. Viral marketing is a lot like its name: your purpose is usually to give something to as numerous people as they can be to ensure that those may give your something to much more people, and many others. Every viral effort needs some thing which will "wow" a targeted audience to be able to continues to point out involvement in whatever you decide to are marketing. Once you've finished creating your campaign you must take measures to sustain it. Your ultimate goal is to purchase people inside your niche to approach each other well about your products and services. Your main goal is not only to catch someone's interest but to hold on to now on to it provided that possible and obtain these phones transfer. Building viral buzz is determined by you skill to consider outside of the box. Shocking, inspiring and surprising individuals are the policies of one's game. You can generate a post on what are you doing currently and offer it a controversial edge so that you could publicize it on the many advertising and marketing sites. This could go into a buzz and encourage people to share with you you. Finally, these tips are powerful and may give you the boost in traffic that you can take your internet business to the next level. The higher you become only at that stuff the greater number of traffic you're going to get remedies available methods. You will possibly not hit a home operate on your first try if you retain going you will receive better and at social bookmark creating for traffic.

Bloating Causes Cures

Bloating Causes Cures

A sluggish digestive system can be the cause of bloating. If your body takes a long time to process the food you are eating and you don't have a daily bowel movement, this could be the cause of bloating. The cure is to add more fiber to your diet to rev up your digestive system and get the food moving through your system quicker. Slowly increase your fiber intake, a sudden, large increase in fiber will increase your bloating.
Your diet may be the cause of bloating. A diet rich in gas producing foods like beans, cabbage, broccoli and other high fiber foods and fried, fatty foods will cause you to bloat. The cure for diet induced bloating is to discover exactly what foods cause you to be gassy. If after you've eaten fried foods, you become bloated, cut back on fried foods. If it is the broccoli, cut back on that veggie. Gas dissolving products like Beano and GasX can help when taken before indulging in your favorite gas producing foods.
When you chew gum, drink your beverage through a straw or talk while eating, you swallow air. That swallowed air is trapped in your stomach for a while and will make you feel bloated. The cure is to cut back on chewing gum, toss the straw and talk less while eating.
You monthly menstrual cycle will cause you to bloat with hormone fluctuations and water retention. The cure for this type of monthly bloating is a few days before your menstrual cycle starts, cut back of salt and salty foods.